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Information for Parents

  • We are happy to have your student with us here at Drake! It is the desire of the Student Accounts Office to partner with you in supporting your student as they experiences the educational opportunities offered here.
  • Many of you are taking an active role in providing financial support and we want to assist you in this undertaking. Please understand that while we are eager to help, we need to abide by the rules that govern our operations. We encourage you to read through the pages on the Student Accounts Office website so that you more completely understand the financial side of student life at Drake University.


  • While our staff will always be happy to explain university policies regarding student accounts, in order to speak with you directly about your student, we will need his/her express consent, as required by FERPA. At Drake, the student's express consent to release financial information is recorded when they register the parent as an authorized user.
  • While our office has seen many examples of how our students have been protected by this law, we are also familiar with the frustration that parents feel when they contact our office concerning their student(s) and we are unable to give them the information they desire. Even if a parent is the one who pays the bill, we are still bound by the provisions of FERPA. Please understand that our desire is to be helpful, but we must abide by federal law.
  • We encourage you to review our FERPA webpage, as well as the Drake University FERPA statement.

Authorized Users

  • Students may set up their parents, spouses, or anyone else as an authorized user in myDrake by going to the Student Account and Financial Aid section and selecting Make a Payment. Our office will be happy to assist any student needing help in setting up an authorized user.
  • Authorized users have the ability to view student account information online, set up payment plans and make payments online, and view 1098-T forms for the student.
  • If you have more than one student at Drake University, each student will have to set you up separately as an authorized user.
  • Please remember that although your student may give you their personal login and password this does not make you an authorized user under the provisions of FERPA.
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University News
February 28, 2025
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