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Drake University Student Complaints and Appeals Links Schools and Colleges

Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures

Appeals of penalties imposed by faculty for academic integrity violations are to be filed in the faculty member’s school or college.  Following are links to policies and procedures for each unit:

Grade Appeal Policies and Procedures

Appeals of grades assigned by faculty are to be filed in the faculty member’s school or college.  Following are links to policies and procedures for each unit:

Other College, School, and Department Procedures

Information about how to file concerns or complaints about other academic issues may be found on the following pages:

The sections here that are not linked are currently in the process of posting their specific guidelines. In these instances, please report commendations and complaints via email or phone to the head of that department or unit.

For administrative non-curricular offices and programs, click here.

University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025